At Egerton High School, as a staff, we believe the following to be our highest values:
Consistency: in our behaviours, our dealings with others
Rationalisation: the desire and ability to understand and moderate our behaviour
Love and compassion: the ability to display common decency and understanding towards each other
Respect: feelings of high self-worth and due regard to the importance of others
Humility: to avoid arrogance in our views, words and actions; express gratitude for positives
Honesty, fairness and a sense of justice: the ability to see and do the morally right things; to treat all with parity and equality
Team work: our ability to co-operate with, value the role of, and give space to others
Trust: to inspire confidence in ourselves and express confidence in others
Communication: our ability to speak properly and non-verbally communicate well: objectively, politely, clearly and confidently
Resilience, self-control, understanding: our ability to see and aim towards long term goals, beyond our immediate emotional reaction to something; our ability to not give up easily until we reach our goal
Justice: fairness in our judgements and thoughts
Responsibility: for our actions, and our accountable areas