Other Drugs & Alcohol



Drugs and alcohol have been a major topic throughout generations of young people’s lives. But with teenagers being more likely to access illegal substances than ever before, it is vital that we start the conversation as early as possible. So, let’s look at the facts. Alcohol kills more teenagers than any other drugs combined, even leading to homicide and suicide. The effects of alcohol can not only affect the liver, heart and other areas of the body, it can severely affect the brain. Alcohol slows reflexes and memory ability, and even causes more impulsive behaviour. On top of this, young people who drink are more likely to use other illegal substances, and 50 times more likely to use cocaine. The most common drugs used by young people are cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens and inhalants. Each drug has different effects on both the brain and body, and most can cause irreversible damage especially when used during development. This means that young people’s choices surrounding drugs will not only affect their educational performance, but also their achievements for the rest of their lives. 

If you would like more information on alcohol or substance abuse, take a look at some of the resources below:







Useful Reading:

Adolescence Substance Abuse

Alcohol & Body - Health Effects

Cannabis & You

Cannabis & Your Mental Health

Cannabis Classification

Cannabis Fact Sheets

Cannabis Self Help Workbook

Young Minds - Substance Abuse

Drug & Alcohol