Growth Zone

The Growth Zone provision is offered to students who are struggling to regulate in the main offer of our school. Students referred to The Growth Zone operate on a bespoke timetable which is designed to support their individual and unique needs. Students here work alongside key adults and peers to:
• improve social skills
• build on self-regulation strategies
• recognise barriers to learning
• practice mindfulness
• engage in 1:1 and small group therapeutic interventions
• understand/model safe and positive behaviour
• take trips out into the community to practice safe/sociable behaviour
• set and meet individual targets
• learn about their brain, how it works and impacts human behaviour

Our aim is to assist students tore-join the wider school community by enhancing their self-esteem and confidence. Students work on a Growth Program which not only highlights areas for development, but also celebrates their strengths and talents. One of our main strategies is to help students find their passion, and ‘discover their why’, what motivates them and brings them joy. Students use their vision boards and personalised affirmations to focus on their goals.

Growth Zone students recognise the importance of being present and mindful, understanding our thoughts and how they impact the way we feel, and how our feelings drive our actions. Students are learning how to take responsibility for their own behaviour and work alongside staff to develop healthy habits and routines.

Some of our therapeutic intervention activities include
• Watchful Walks – Taking in our surroundings and being present in the moment
• Grounding
• Breathwork and Meditation
• Art •
Music and dance
• Sport
• Gardening
• Den building
• Bush craft
• Painting